Who would’ve guessed that becoming the left side of The Minimal Mom’s brain would come with such great bonuses like the opportunity to add four new states to my cartwheel collection in one weekend?! 🙂
When I suggested that the prize for a decluttering competition should be to visit the winners in person (just because I wanted to go on a trip 😉 ), I didn’t expect that Dawn would actually go for it… turns out I have good ideas!
And while I’m at it, I might as well make a week-long stop to see my Texans first!

I debated long and hard about whether or not to bring my bird-stalking lens on this trip, thinking Dallas wouldn’t have many birds anyway and it would just be a pain to lug around everywhere.
Turns out I should have listened to my wise cousin and brought it.
This park near her house had a pair of blue herons that were there every morning and my regular lens just had to do… but it just didn’t do the job.

And of course, getting in a few more Texas cartwheels was a no-brainer.

Then I was off to meet The Minimal Mom’s fans!

But first lunch at the Musical Instrument Museum. We didn’t actually see any instruments, except for the huge Steinway near the entrance that I got to play for two minutes… turns out I should practice more than 17 minutes a year if I want to keep any kind of skills and not be ashamed to play in public.

Meeting Minimal Mom fans at a hotdog place in Phoenix was loud but delightful. And colourful and dark, hence the black & white, grainy photos, and not very many of them.

We stayed at a really cool hotel on the side of a small mountain (a hill, really).
They have exceptional burgers and chocolate cake.

We were in California for about four hours total. No time to see the beach, just this fish place with lots of fans on the patio (but they have delicious salmon!!).

My first time ever at the Pacific Ocean!!
We had less than an hour at Cannon Beach, but it was worth it. Must go back!
Also, they have really good burgers. And chocolate cake 😉

More fans in Vancouver, Washington, only a few hours from Vancouver, BC… I feel like that would get confusing.

So much homemade gluteny goodness… I might have paid for it later, but had to try it.

It was quite funny that some people wanted a photo with me too… I’m only cool cuz I’m with her 😉

When I grow up, I want hair like hers! (Photo focused only on me completely unintentional.)

I’d never seen a bridge that swings open sideways like this before… it’s kinda crazy!!

Just a few feet away is a really good burger place. Who would’ve thought that grilled pears on a burger would be a hit?!
(Also, the PB & J burger… do not recommend. It was an experience 😉
Lessons learned on this trip:
- When in doubt, bring the big lens. It’s worth it for one good shot.
- Seven flights in nine days is kinda a lot. Try to space it out a bit more next time.
- Ask for a pat down instead of going in the big metal detector radiation thing. I went in it three times and every time had a headache within a few hours. Not worth it.
- Don’t clean your plate when you’re eating out if you’re already full. Ask for a takeout box.
- It’s cool if you can work from anywhere, but by doing so you’re not fully present. Plan time off instead of trying to do both.
- Travelling with carry-on only is not only possible, it’s ideal and easier. Wear the same shirt every day and just wash it. Borrow everyone else’s hair tools.
- Leave extra room in your luggage on the way there to have space for all the t-shirts you didn’t plan to buy.
- A trip to Buc-ee’s is a full event all on its own.
- If you’re feeling really lousy in the airport and have a few hours layover, find the airport chapel and have a nap. It’s nice and quiet and no one will steal your luggage there.
- Don’t miss out on your cousin-nieces-and-nephews growing up just because they’re far away. Make it a priority to visit every year.
- It is in fact possible to overdo it on the burgers. Three nights in a row is too many. Try tacos instead.