I did my very first family photo shoot a few weeks ago.
I had studied a lot and watched a kajillion about how to do this well, and my first guinea pigs were friends from church, so I wasn’t too worried… but still felt like I had no idea what I was doing.
We were at a park in their city and just a few minutes into it, this family walks by on the boardwalk. Then, obviously seeing that we were in the middle of a shoot, the dad turns around and comes back and asks, “Do you have a card? We’ve been wanting to get our family photos done.”
Well who know it’d be that easy to start a business?!
Of course I fessed up that this was in fact my first time doing this but sure, I’d love to take their photos.
So the next week I came back and we did it all over again. This time it felt so much easier already because I was familiar with the area and had noted my foibles from the week before.
Of course, there is still SO much that I can improve upon, but pretty pleased how these turned out 🙂